He hath foreordained whatsoever comes to pass

 Today the Lord showed me that I am not convinced that He is in control of all things. And that my hope and peace comes from our ability to pay for things (like unexpected car repair and maintenance issues) whereas it should be in the fact that He has all things in His hands! That He is our provider and protector. That His will will not be thwarted. That He uses all things according to the counsel of His will, whereby, he hath foreordained whatsoever comes to pass! 

I don’t know what the meaning of this afternoon was. Our van’s battery died. A dear brother from church had to come and give us a jump. Then he invited us to spend some time at his house while we waited for the evening service to start. We had planned on attending the evening prayer service on the southside, held at one of the elders homes to encourage his family and pray with them. But when we got ready to leave, the van wouldn’t start again. This turned into a few hours more at their home and the men running out to get a new battery. It turns out our old battery was still under warranty and was replaced for free! (Another dear brother had purchased the battery for us back in January). 


Praise the Lord! Thank you Father for what YOU have done. Thank YOU that our van is up and running again. Thank you for allowing us to spend unexpected time together with this family. Thank you that we did not make it to the prayer service this evening. Thank you that our children got to witness your providence and see a real life example of what your word means when it says “man makes his plans, but it is the Lord’s ways that prevail!”

We don’t know or understand all that you accomplished by this one seemingly random and inconvenient act of providence, but we know and trust that is is indeed good! Because ALL of your ways are good! 


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