Compassion leads to prayer

 I have been confronted with the fact that I am not compassionate. My initial response to tough situations seldom reflects my Saviour’s. I am in great need of help from the Spirit to continue molding and shaping me into the image of Christ and to grow me in this area. 

This week the Lord showed me just how sinful this lack of compassion is! 

1. A dear friend of ours is putting together a closet for us, free of charge, in his spare time! He is lending his talents and time to help us. He wasn’t able to complete it in the time frame that I had in mind. It’s his 35th anniversary and he has other commitments. That didn’t stop me from pouting and getting upset. I made all kinds of accusations in my mind and heart. Lord, help me! Help me to be grateful. Help me to pray for this man and his family! 

2. A young woman at church, whom I initially began building a friendship with, began exhibiting behaviours that have made it clear to me that she is in fact, not my friend. Though she IS a sister in the Lord! the state of our relationship sometimes hurts and confuses me. More than that, I am angry. I want to know what’s going on. I want to be vindicated. I want justice. Lord, help me! Help my own heart to be gentle and loving towards this young lady. Help me to pray for her and her family! 


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