When the gospel is enough

In the highly polarized racially tense culture of the day, if such a picture were circulated online, even amongst Christian circles, it would possibly cause a stir.
Maybe people would think:
I am a token. 
Perhaps Amy and Mrs. Gray are safe for me to be around because they have atoned for their sin of whiteness. 
Maybe we're all at a Lecrae concert. 
I'm not.
They haven't.
And we're at my daughter's ballet recital. 

The noise coming from all directions about the inherent division of blacks and whites falls deaf on these redeemed and reconciled ears. 

First, a note about the differences: 
Mrs. Gray: an older, almost empty nester, mom of 4 
Amy: early 30s, working mom of 1 in utero
Me: late twenties, stay at home mom of 5 

I mention these things because unity and friendship, even in the church, is sometimes based on these superficial things. How many children do you have? Boy-Girl ratio? Ages of the children? What side of town do you live on? What kind of music do you like? What activities do you enjoy doing? Are you a stay at home mom too? Do you like coffee as much as I do? 

While these things are helpful and good, they are not ultimate and cannot be the basis of our friendships, as believers. I would miss out on so much grace, love, encouragement, fellowship, and prayer!!! if these things were prerequisites for fellowship. 

I love these women, not because they are like me (and in some ways they are) say for instance our collective ability to cry at the drop of a sentimental hat, but because they are being conformed to the image of our Saviour and are faithful in encouraging me towards that end.

I don't know that anything other than the gospel could have brought us together. And surely nothing less is needed to keep us together. It is enough. 

Colossians 2
Galatians 3:28

*( I also recently found out we all graduated from Florida State University)! 

*pictured: Mrs. Gray, Amy, and I at Nia's 1st ballet recital 


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