The Real Mom Tour

Tonight I was supposed to attend a special session at the Great Home School Convention called the Real Mom Tour! Three ladies, one of which wrote The Read Aloud family, a book that has been very significant in shaping our homeschool, were going to lead what I can only imagine would have been an amazingly wonderfully encouraging and informative session. 

I really wanted to go!! I signed up to volunteer (and did so yesterday), so that we could enjoy the whole convention for freeee. But it started raining...pouring. Heavy gusts of wind, lightning, and thunder. 

Oli suggested that I stay home. 

And so I did. 

I was very disappointed. But I know he was concerned about my safety, especially since I would be taking Simon with me. 

I could have pouted, objected even, but instead the Lord gave me grace to submit. And not just submit, but with a good attitude. (Okay I struggled with that for a few minutes). But I shook myself out of it and moved on. Which is very new for me. I haven't had to exercise those muscles in a while and so it was a pleasant reminder. 

I guess I got a "real wife tour" instead. Haha

Thank you, Lord! I know that anything you want me to enjoy, experience, or learn, you provide a way for me to do that, without sinning against you or my family. I do not need to force, finagle, or wiggle my way into anything.

 I am free to live obediently before You and accept where the lines fall for me. 

Oh, they indeed fall in pleasant places. 


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