Elizabeth's Birthdays
Our sweet Elizabeth is seven years old!
What a mercy.
I am reminded of when Oli and I (unmarried) found out that our sin had caught up to us and would no longer be hidden, but made plain for all to see by my growing belly.
We sat in the parking lot. I was supposed to be on my way to Grad school. I was going to move back to Tallahassee. What was I to do?
I had made an appointment with the "Women's health center", to kill our baby so that the plans I had for myself could continue, uninterrupted. Oli begged me no to do so. I listened. Not because of him, but because I knew that with my history of emotional turmoil, and suicide attempts ( having been Baker Acted just two years prior), that going through with an abortion would be my undoing.
For His glory, and my good, God convinced me not to take our baby's life. I cancelled the appointment. God used my history of depression to convince me to keep our first child. Amen.
I still remember the day we brought her home from the hospital. We had no idea what we were doing.
Though not without its challenges, her first year was so much fun! It was often just the two of us. Oli was working two jobs and we didn't see him often. We squeezed in family time together as much as we could. Going to the park, chipotle, church, etc.

She had one overnight stay at the hospital with what they called "failure to thrive." My breastmilk supply drastically decreased. I was pregnant with Joseph and didn't know it. That was a very tough time for us. To see her so small and weak. Thankfully, she took to the formula and was spared being fed through a tube. We were so happy when she started doing better and were told we'd be going home soon!
Year 1: For her first birthday we went to Amelia Island. My little cousin was in culinary school in New York and landed an internship at the Amelia Island Omni Plantation Resort, so we went to see her there and celebrate! But first we had lunch at a favourite sushi restaurant. It was a rainy day. We ate at Marche Burrette. Six years later it still rains in July, in Florida.
Year 2: On her second birthday family and friends from church gathered on the back porch of our new home in a fancy community. I was still working at a non-profit. She was being dropped of to be cared for by a lady who stayed home with her own children. Oli and I were like ships passing in the night. BUT, Elizabeth had a beautiful (Publix) chocolate cake, crafts, and an obstacle course in the backyard.
Year 3: The third year was less glamourous but oh so sweet. We were living with my mom in a two bedroom apartment. We had recently came to the conclusion that me staying at home with now Elizabeth and Chomp was the best, most faithful thing for our family. It wasn't my first choice but, due to external circumstances (re: God's providence), we moved in with my mom. And, on a day where we were to celebrate our sweet Elizabeth and enjoy fellowship with our local congregation, a close cousin of mine, who was a dear friend to Oli, committed suicide. One of the more memorable days of our lives. It haunts me still.
Having a birthday on a national holiday means there's always something going on your birthday. This year, the church was hosting a fourth of July barbecue. We were in charge of getting the bounce house and some drinks. We got up early, ran errands, and headed there. It was a great time. The kids played, the food was wonderful. We broke everything down and cleaned up. When it was time to head home, we couldn't because we lost our car keys! In a field of acres of grass everyone rallied to try and help us find them, to no avail. A church member gave us a ride home, and we left the car parked at the church.
Later, a police officer found them on the side of the road, took them to Bailey's gym, where Oli had (& still has) a membership that they could scan the attached keychain and find out who they belong to. We were so thankful!
Here she is opening a card from Uncle Pat. Uncle Stephane passed away that November. His car was hit a semi, whose driver had been drinking.
Year 4: This time we spent the day with one of my oldest, dearest friends and her family. First we went to Stinson Park (which is gorgeous) and let the kids play. Now with a young, not quite walking B in tow. We took pictures and played on the jungle gym. One of my favorite pictures of Elizabeth and Chomp comes from that day.
Year 5: This time we ordered a cake from a member of the church we now attended who has a baking business. We had tried to go to Little Talbot Island but because it was so full, we went nearby to Hugenot Park. We buried a now walking B in the sand. Jackie was two months old. We ended up going to Chick Fil A for dinner because practically everywhere else was closed and this was and remains her favorite fast food restaurant. Later that evening, family and friends came over and celebrated with us.
Year 6: We had a delightful breakfast complete with cloth napkins and a pretty table runner. We tried to go to the beach AGAIN! But the rain stopped us. Once more, Chick Fil A was on the menu. Family and friends came over and celebrated with us. I think her favorite gift must've been the bike Ma got for her. We went to see the fireworks at the Riverside YMCA that evening. It was magical. Publix supplied the cake.
Year 7: Her birthday fell on a Lord's Day! The day before, we were on cleaning privilege for the church and afterwards went to JumpinJax, at her behest. The following day, we attended morning service, had lunch at home, surrounded by family and friends, and then returned for the evening service. She was glowing when her uncle Pat showed up! She loves him so. She cut and served her own (Publix) birthday cake to our guests.
Year 8:We are now home owners, by the grace, mercy, and kind providence of our God. This year she invited one of her dearest friends "Faith" and another family, of course Uncle Pat and Ma to come to our house for a bbq? Oli grilled some delicious chicken. I tried and failed to make a special strawberry cake for her. Did I mention that virtually everywhere is closed on the 4th? I failed miserable to prepare beforehand and ensure I had everything that I needed for her special day. So to Publix I went for Oreo and 4th of July themed cupcakes. She and her friends enjoyed the trampoline and running around outside and plating with toys inside. It was such a sweet time. After the party, we watched fireworks from Riverside in our matching American flag sunglasses!
Year 9:
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