Ode to Amy

My dear Elizabeth, as lovely as the morning dew

I thank the LORD in my remembrance of you

Your tender heart and thoughtful, loving ways

May wisdom grant you, from her right hand, length of days 

Your gaiety, and serious admiration for your groom

And a laugh that lightens every room 

The whimsical clothes that you modestly wear

The way you twirl your tresses as you incline an ear

Young women, as they come to you for advice

Will find that all you have to offer is Christ

Secure in Him, you have nothing to hide

But are an example of careful vulnerability and humility, not pride 

Whether you're wrapping a gift or making a comforting stew

You strive for excellence in all that you do

Not for your name, but for Him who calls you His own

May your discipline produce righteousness and peace when it is full grown

Oh my sweet MyMy, the Lord has blessed your womb 

And has made new and alive what was once like a tomb

Rejoice! What a Saviour! Yes, lift up your face

To the one who forgives sins, and gives grace upon grace 

With bated breath I await the arrival of your offspring

Who, with its birth unspeakable joy will bring

I pray for his health, delivery, and future education

But more significantly that she would know Him and the power of  His resurrection 

Dear sister, I know not how long is our story 

Whether this ends by moving or by death, or Christ coming in His glory

I will not fret, but only look to today

Right now, in this moment, take the opportunity to pray:

"Lord help me love Amy, not because these things and more are true

But because You died for her and she belongs to You

Give me grace that I might say not once, or even twice

But all of my days, no matter the hurts, may this saying suffice:

My great joy is not that she's my friend, but that she becomes more and more like Christ"

*pictured: (L) Amy & I at my baptism (R) Amy and I at the Lafluer wedding 


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