sufficient grace

Today is National French Fry Day. And it also happens to be Tuesday which means kids eat free with every adult entree at BurgerFi. Whoop Whoop. Win Win. Usually Oli is suggesting we eat out when he senses I'm tense or frustrated but today it was me! It was a much needed break from our evening routine. And I was still worn out from yesterday.

Yesterday was a day that put on full display my need for Christ. I struggled so much with my duties as a wife and mom.
But more so my attitude /countenance/behaviour.  I sometimes feel incredibly inadequate and insufficient for the day's tasks. I know this is where "but His grace is sufficient, in my weakness He is strong comes in." But it doesn't always feel good to experience. In fact, it's heart breaking. I am short and impatient and then immediately hate myself for it then fall into a downward spiral of despondency. 

The mom I really am looks in the face of the mom I want myself to be and begs Jesus to conform me to the image of His son because neither of those people are sufficient. Besides, the mom I want myself to be has more to do with worldly lusts and desires and less with living out the gospel before my children for  the glory of God. 

So here we are. With new mercies for this morning, grace enough for the day, and new mercies ready and waiting for me tomorrow morning, I continue striving. Not in my strength but His. Not seeking perfection for it will not come in this life. Rather leaning on Him and His righteousness. 

It's a funny dance isn't it. Striving and Resting. Resting and Striving.

But His grace is sufficient. I just need to keep my eyes on the one leading me. Step by Step. 
He will lead me home. 

*pictures: our family enjoying a Kids Eat Free Tuesday at BurgerFi!


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