Creation Glorious


I've been going on walks with Marla (Elizabeth & Simon) on Saturday mornings at SIX THIRTY!! for a few weeks now. It's been very nice. 

Today as we were walking on the Main Street bridge, a lady stopped in front of me, took a deep breath while stretching her arms out to the side, and said "aahhh, isn't it a beautiful day?"

"Yes, God's creation is beautiful." I replied. 

At the mention of the name of the LORD, she recoiled. Her hands fell by her side, and she walked away. 

The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim His work. Day after day they deliver their speech, night after night they make Him known. 
(Thank you Poor Bishop Hooper, I didn't even have to look that up).

For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks. Romans 1:21

*pictured: our view from the bridge


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