
 Afflictions, when sanctified . . .

  temper worldly ambitions,
  burn out the dross of selfishness,
  humble pride,
  quell fierce passions,
  reveal the evil in our hearts,
  manifest our weaknesses, faults and blemishes,
  teach patience and submission,
  discipline unruly spirits,
  deepen and enrich our graces.

Afflictions, when sanctified

plough the hard soil and cut long and deep furrows in the heart. The heavenly Sower follows, and fruits of righteousnessspring up. 

"No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

Affliction is a messenger of God, sent to minister to us in the best of ways! 

When under God's chastening hand, we should ask, 
What would God have this sorrow do for me? 
What is its mission?
What its great design? 
What golden fruit lies hidden in its husk? 

How shall it . . . 
  strengthen my virtue,
  nerve my courage,
  chasten my passions,
  purify my love, and
  make me like Him who . . . 
    bore the cross of sorrow while Helived
    and hung and bled upon it when He died
    and now wears the victor's crown in glory! 

I know, O Lord, that your laws are righteous, and in faithfulness You have afflicted me!" Psalm 119:75 

JR Miller

JR Miller is slowly becoming a regular and treasured read for me, because of the daily “Grace Gems” that I get in my email inbox. The excerpts are often very blunt and challenging or warm and encouraging. Either way, I am always blessed by and ruminating on his ways of summarizing or expounding upon the truth of God’s holy word. 

The questions he lists we should ask ourselves when under an affliction immediately change my perspective and understanding of the presence and protection of God during an affliction, God’s  purpose of in allowing an affliction, and the promises of God for my weary, weak, afflicted self. 

The current trials we are dealing with have shown me just how important it is to have the right understanding of afflictions. That’s more than half the battle! When I see these things, sanctified, I am strengthened by the Word of God and the presence of God, and the sovereignty of God to bear them, joyfully.


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